QuadMAX User Manual

  • Introduction



    Welcome to the world of precision and performance with the Foresight Sports QuadMAX Premium Golf Launch Monitor. Designed for the discerning golfer seeking unparalleled accuracy and in-depth insights into their game, this cutting-edge device redefines the way you approach your swing. 

    Crafted with precision engineering and state-of-the-art technology, the Foresight Sports QuadMAX empowers golfers of all levels to elevate their gameplay. From recreational enthusiasts to seasoned professionals, this launch monitor offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to enhance your understanding and mastery of the game. 

    Prepare to revolutionize your golfing experience. Whether refining your swing, analyzing ball flight data, or fine-tuning your performance, the Foresight Sports QuadMAX is your ultimate companion in the pursuit of excellence on the fairway. 

    • Items Included

    • Feature Overview



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  • Device Registration

    The QuadMAX requires online registration renewal every 45 days. If the registration of your device has expired, all data channels from the QuadMAX (USB, Ethernet, WiFi, and BLE) will be blocked until registration renewal is completed. The QuadMAX will continue to work as a stand-alone device. 

    To review the remaining days left until registration renewal, go to the About > Features screen. 
    The QuadMAX is region locked and will only work in the region you purchased. To review the unlocked region, go to the About > Features screen. If you need to change this region, please reach back out to your sales team member.


    1. Connect the QuadMAX to Foresight Sports software applications (FSX Play, FSX 2020, or FSX Pro).  

    The QuadMAX will complete online registration every time it connects to a Foresight Sports software application, as long as the computer is connected to the internet. Registration will occur over all connection types and will renew even if registration has not expired. Registration can be confirmed by navigating to the About screen. 

    2. Connect the QuadMAX directly to the internet via Ethernet. The QuadMAX will complete online registration when it is connected via Ethernet cable directly to an Internet source (e.g. Router). Registration over Ethernet typically takes between 45-60 seconds and can be confirmed by reviewing the registration renewal date on the appropriate About screen. A restart may be necessary if registration is not successful on initial connection of Ethernet cable. 

  • Getting Started

    To properly use the QuadMAX, place the device upright on a level surface approximately 22” away from the hitting area. If a hitting mat is used, make sure the device is raised to the same level as the hitting surface. For extra stability on uneven surfaces, the kickstand can be deployed at the bottom of the unit. 


    To power on the QuadMAX, press and release the power button. The device will display a start-up screen showing battery life, serial number, and firmware version. This will take approximately 30 seconds. The LED indicator will blink once the QuadMAX is ready for tracking. To power off the QuadMAX, press and release the power button again. The device will initiate its shutdown sequence and the LCD screen and LED indicator will turn off. 



    The QuadMAX Menu Options screen is accessible by pressing the Menu buttonon the upper left of the display. The Main Menu consists of the following options:  

    Tracking Mode 

    Speed Training 


    Session Capture 



    Target Align 


    System Info 



    Touch the menu item on screen that you wish to select, touch the left facing arrow in the upper left to go back one screen. The Main Menu can be quickly returned to from any menu by pressing the Menu button.



  • Modes

    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then select the "TRACKING MODE" button to open the tracking mode options menu. The QuadMAX has three modes: ball, club, and putting. Ball comes automatically enabled with purchase, where club and putting are optional add-ons. If club tracking or putting module have not been enabled, select the "More Info" button to display a QR code that will take you to more information on how to enable these modes when the code is scanned with your mobile device. 


    • Club Tracking

      Press the ON or OFF buttons to enable or disable club tracking. If you have not purchased putting or club, scan the QR code provided on the QuadMAX screen. 



      When club tracking is enabled, the QuadMAX will track both the golf ball and golf club (with the club markers applied). In this mode, the device will have a green LED indicator zone. The QuadMAX will give both one-dot data and four-dot data based on how the club has been marked. Please see the section “APPLYING CLUB MARKERS” for details on how to place club markers for one-dot or four-dot data. 



    • Ball Only Mode

      When club tracking is disabled, the QuadMAX will track only the golf ball. In this mode, the device will have a blue LED indicator zone. 

    • Putting Mode

      From the Tracking Mode menu, press the On/Off button to enable or disable putting mode. When putting mode is enabled, players, fitters, and instructors will have access to an unprecedented amount of performance data from their putter – and with the accuracy and trust only Foresight Sports can deliver. 




  • Ball Placement And Hitting

    The QuadMAX on-screen placement aid displays the golf ball position relative to the hitting zone. The center of the zone sits approximately 22” from the front of the QuadMAX, and the zone varies in size depending on the mode. The zone is approximately 14” x 14” with Club Tracking enabled, and 18” x 14” with Club Tracking disabled. 

    • Status Indicator

      Switching between right and left handed mode can be done via the right-handed and left-handed tracking keys on the LCD screen. The current mode can be determined by the LED indicator. 

      Once a ball has been located by the camera, the on-screen placement aid will appear, and text will indicate one of the following device statuses. 


      Previous shot data shown on screen  

      No ball is detected by cameras.  


      Ball out of hitting zone  

      The ball is not detected in the ball find zone and must be moved inside.  

      Too many balls detected  

      More than one ball is detected in the zone, excess balls should be removed.  



      The ball is inside of the hitting zone and the device is ready for the shot. 






  • My Tiles

    The MyTiles feature on the Foresight Sports QuadMAX provides an opportunity for the user to customize the presentation and timing of data on the QuadMAX display. This feature works by pairing a QuadMAX to the Foresight App on a smartphone, creating a custom preset, then pushing the preset to the QuadMAX.  


    Pairing QuadMAX and Foresight App 


    Pairing the QuadMAX and Foresight App can be done in two ways. The first method for pairing is to navigate to the MyTiles section of the device menu so that the QR code is displayed on screen. The presented QR code can now be scanned by a smartphone.  If the smartphone does not have the Foresight App installed, the device will navigate to the app store for installation of the app. If the smartphone does have the app, the app will open, pair with the QuadMAX device, and allow for MyTiles customization. The second method, from the Foresight App a scan for devices can be performed.  Ensure that the QuadMAX is powered on and in Bluetooth range prior to executing a device search from the Foresight App.  Scanning for devices will show all devices that are powered on and in range and the connection can be made by selecting the device with which connection is desired.   


    Creating a new MyTiles preset 


    From the MyTiles section of the Foresight App, new presets can be created and pushed to the QuadMAX. To create a new preset, the number of screens must be selected (up to 3 screens), then select each screen to determine which data to display. The data can be displayed in pre-selected configurations of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 data tiles. Select the data that will be displayed on screen 1, then select the desired time for screen 1 to be displayed. Repeat this process for the remaining screens. Once the MyTiles preset has been established, it must be named and then pushed to the QuadMAX as the active data preset. In the Foresight App multiple MyTiles presets can be created and a maximum of 5 preset can be pushed to the QuadMAX.  The active preset can be changed on the QuadMAX device by navigating to the MyTiles menu. 


    MyTiles Menu 


    From the QuadMAX home screen the MyTiles menu can be accessed by pressing the Main Menu button, then pressing the MyTiles button on screen. From the MyTiles menu, a preset can be selected as the active MyTiles preset.  The default data display configuration can be selected by the “DEFAULT” preset. Additional instructions on using the MyTiles feature can be found within the Foresight App. 



  • Session Capture


    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "SESSION CAPTURE" button to access this menu item. Press the "START NEW SESSION" button to begin a Session Capture.  The Session Capture feature offers a way to capture data from a practice session that later can be pushed from the QuadMAX to the Foresight App and reviewed after the session. Once a Session Capture has begun, a [rec] icon will show up on the ball find screen indicating that the session is open and shot data is being saved.  When done, the session can be closed by either powering off the QuadMAX or returning to the "SESSION CAPTURE" menu to close the session. 

    Sessions can be retrieved from the QuadMAX by pairing the device with the Foresight App and retrieving sessions.  Once a Session Capture has been retrieved to the Foresight App from the QuadMAX, the session will be permanently removed from the QuadMAX.  The QuadMAX is capable of saving up to 5 sessions and will indicate how many sessions are currently stored on the device in the Session Capture menu. Navigate to the Foresight App instructional section for more detail on how to retrieve saved sessions. 

  • Speed Training

    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "SPEED TRAINING" button to access this menu item. Press "START" to begin the swing speed training mode. The status light will indicate SPEED TRAINING mode by blinking an amber color.  The SPEED TRAINING mode puts the QuadMAX into a state where it is no longer looking for a ball or ball launch to capture swing speed data.  The QuadMAX will continuously look for a club with a single fiducial to pass through the hit zone and will display club head speed as a single data point on screen when this event is detected. SPEED TRAINING mode will time out after 5 minutes without detecting an event and return to default ball find behavior.   

    To best use the Speed Training mode, place a marker down in the middle of the hit zone to help guide the appropriate place for speed training swings.  This can be done by putting the QuadMAX in standard launch detect mode (ball or club enabled are both acceptable) and placing a ball down in the middle of the hit zone using the QuadMAX display to guide ball placement.  Once the center of the zone is found, replace the ball with a small flat marker (a ball marker or tee pushed all the way into the ground will work well).  The QuadMAX can now be set into Speed Training mode and swings should be taken directly over the marker that has been placed. 

  • Target Alignment

    The “TARGET ALIGN” menu does not need to be accessed to set a downrange target. Simply lay your Foresight Sports alignment stick (provided with the QuadMAX) down in the ball find zone, aligning the stick with the downrange target. The QuadMAX will chime, and the LEDs will blink, indicating that it has adjusted alignment as well as indicate on screen how the alignment has been adjusted.  Target alignment can be adjusted up to 10° on the QuadMAX via the FSS Alignment Stick. 


    Once the QuadMAX has chimed, the alignment stick can be removed from the hit area and the new target line has been set.  

    Checking and resetting the alignment can be done from the “TARGET ALIGN” menu. Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "TARGET ALIGN" button to access this menu item. The target alignment screen shows the current alignment configuration of the device.  


    If the alignment has not yet been adjusted, the display will read “DEFAULT CONFIGURATION.” To reset the target alignment to the default, press the RESET button on screen. 


    After a few seconds, both LED indicators will show yellow and the unit will give an audible tone. The new alignment angle will be shown on the LCD screen.  

    Alignment can be viewed and reset at any time from the Target Alignment menu in System Options. To reset alignment to factory default in this screen, press the OK key. Alignment is always reset when the unit is powered off. 

  • Settings

    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "SETTINGS" button to access this menu item. Once a setting is changed, it will be automatically saved once the screen is exited. 

    System Info 

    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "SYSTEM INFO" button to access this menu item. 

    Within the diagnostics menu there are four screens which can be cycled through by pressing the desired screen number in the upper left. The first (default) screen provides you with the option to save the images needed to diagnose issues or questions with the performance of the device.  This shot saving is a troubleshooting tool, not a way to record session data. During shot saving, the file names will be displayed. Shot saving can take up to 60 seconds. Once your device is connected to a computer via USB, you will be able to retrieve saved shots if necessary to share with tech support.

    The second screen shows battery diagnostic information and firmware version. The third screen shows sensor diagnostic information. The fourth screen shows system diagnostic information including available flash memory and shot/session information.  



    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "ABOUT" button to access this menu item. There are four About screens, which can be cycled through by touching on the desired screen number in the upper left.

    The first (default) screen displays the QuadMAX serial number and a QR code to help obtain and pair the device with the Foresight App. The second screen displays the various on-board firmware versions, model number, date of manufacture, and hardware version. The third screen displays the status of the available add-on modules. The fourth screen displays system information. 



    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "PATENTS" button to access this menu item The patents page provides a list of both national and international patents for the device as well as authorized territory information and copyright information. 



    Press the Menu button to display the menu offerings and then press the "GET SUPPORT" button to access this menu item.

    The Get Support page offers access to Foresight Sports tech support by scanning the presented QR code. Scanning this QR code with a phone or tablet will navigate to the Foresight app on the app store, or if the Foresight app is already installed, open the app to assist with support. On this page the device serial number and firmware version are available for quick reference. 

  • Applying Club Markers

    In order to capture club data with the QuadMAX, club markers must be applied to the clubface. To apply markers using the dispenser (included): 


    A diagram of a hand holding a pad

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    A instructions for a golf club

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    Four Marker Placement

    Count the club’s score lines to determine the vertical center of the clubface.  

    Note: For clubs with an even number of score lines, the vertical face center will be between the center two score lines. For clubs with an odd number of score lines, the vertical face center will be directly on the center score line.  

    Carefully apply the first two markers along the vertical center of the face near the outer edge of the score lines,* keeping both markers level with each other.  

    The center point between these two markers will define the horizontal center of the face.  

    Carefully apply the last two markers on the toe of the club face at the top and bottom edges of the ball strike zone. 


    Four Marker Placement For Irons

    From the bottom of the club, count score lines up to find the approximate vertical hitting center.  

    Carefully apply the first two markers between the sixth and seventh score lines at the toe and heel, keeping both markers level with each other.*  

    The center point between these two markers will define the horizontal center of the face.  

    Carefully apply the last two markers on the toe of the club face at the top and bottom edges of the ball strike zone. 


    Single Marker Placement

    For best results, place the marker high on the clubface and as close to the horizontal center as possible. 



  • Connecting The Device

    The QuadMAX can be connected to other devices by USB, Ethernet, WiFi and BlueTooth 


    -A preferred connection to directly connect to a PC for connection to the FSX gaming environment 

    -Appropriate connection for connecting to a network 


    For direct connection, plug one side of the ethernet cable to your Forsight device and the other to your PC. 

    For network connection, plug one side into your Foresight device and the other to your network. 



    -A preferred connection for PC connection to the FSX gaming environment 

    -The only connection for firmware updates 


    Connect USB-C to your Foresight device, connect USB-A to PC. 


    WiFi: (Password: FSSPORTS) 

    -Appropriate connection method for Foresight App 

    -Appropriate connection method for PC connection to FSX gaming environment 



    -Preferred connection to Foresight App 

    -Will not connect to a computer for FSX gaming environments 

  • Maintenance

    Battery Care (Removing The Battery) 

    Turn the unit off and disconnect from external power source.

    Deploy the kickstand at the bottom of the unit to expose the battery.  

    Firmly press on the blue battery release levers in the direction indicated on the battery.  

    Once battery is released, gently remove from the device.


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    Inserting A New Battery

    With kickstand deployed, properly align battery as shown.  

    Gently slide battery into device. 

    Once inside, firmly press on battery to lock into place.

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    Proper Battery Care

    The battery in your QuadMAX has been designed to provide safe, reliable operation. However, the life of your QuadMAX battery and its ability to hold an adequate charge is dependent upon a regular routine of fully discharging and recharging the battery. Without regularly performing this discharge/recharge routine, the QuadMAX battery life expectancy can be compromised significantly. 

    IMPORTANT! Your QuadMAX battery should be fully discharged and recharged at least once a month. This includes batteries in storage, as well as batteries in QuadMAX devices operating on continuous AC power. 

    Storage And Maintenance

    Prior to storing the QuadMAX, always make sure the device is powered off and the battery is removed. Foresight Sports strongly recommends storing the QuadMAX in a cool, dry environment in its original foam-lined packaging or specially designed carrying case to prevent damage. 


  • Regulatory Compliance And Certifications

    Regulatory Compliance 

    This section contains the following:  

    • Safety Notices 

    • Battery Guidelines

    • NRTL Safety Compliance  

    • IEC Safety Compliance  

    • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Regulations by Country  

    • Product Certifications 

    Safety Notices 

    • If foreign objects or water has entered the device, disconnect the device from external power, turn the power off, and remove the battery. Continued use in this state can cause fire or electric shock.  

    • DO NOT disassemble, change, or attempt to repair the device. This could result in electric shock and will void the manufacturer’s warranty.  

    • DO NOT use this device in environments where high humidity, smoke, or dust is present.  

    • To avoid possible injury, DO NOT look directly into the device when it is turned on.  

    • The QuadMAX has been designed to withstand ball impact. However, if the device enclosure or LCD display has been damaged due to a ball impact or for any other reason, turn the power off and discontinue use.  

    • Use only the power adapter and battery pack that came with the device. Using any other power adapter, charger, or battery pack may cause damage to the QuadMAX or battery and may cause fire or injury.  

    • The QuadMAX uses four digital cameras that are precisely calibrated. Do not drop or subject the device to any impacts that may cause shock.  

    • After use, always store the QuadMAX in a safe, dry, and dust-free environment. 

    • Prop 65 Warning Statements: 

    Battery Guidelines

    o        Immediately dispose of used batteries and keep away from children. Do NOT dispose of batteries in household trash.  

    o        Even used batteries may cause severe injury or death.  

    o        Call a local poison control center for treatment information.   

    o        Battery can’t be removed and replaced. 


    NRTL Safety Compliance  









    IEC Safety Compliance  









    EMC Regulations by Country:  




    FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B – Verification 

    Title 47: Telecommunication; Part 15 – Radio Frequency Devices  

    Statement of Conformity: 

    FCC Declaration of Conformity 

    This device complies with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation.  

    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 

    • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  

    • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 

    • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 

    • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  





    ICES-003 Issue 7: 2020 

    Infromation Technology Equipment (including Digital Apparatus)  


    Statement of Conformity: 

    Contains IC: 28505-JODYW263FSS 

    ISED Canada Compliance Statement: 

    (English) This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. 

    (French) Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. 


    European Union 




    EN 55032:2015 + A11:2020 

    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emissions requirements  


    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emissions requirements 

    EN 61000-3-2:2014 

    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase)  

    EN 61000-3-3:2013  

    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage charges, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current ≤ 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection 

    EN 55035:2017 + A11:2020  

    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment; Immunity requirements  

    ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 (2019-11) 

    Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements; Harmonised Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility  

    ETSI EN 301 489-3 V2.3.2 (2023-01) 

    Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 246 GHz; Harmonised Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility  

    ETSI EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4 (2020-09)  

    Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems; Harmonised Standard for Elctromagnetic Compatibility  


    Statement of Conformity: 

    Australia/New Zealand 




    AS/NZS CISPR 32:2015 + A1:2020 

    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emissions requirements  


    Statement of Conformity: 





    VCCI-CISPR 32: 2016 

    Agreement of Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment 


    Statement of Conformity: 






    CNS 15936:2016  

    Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment 

    Statement of Conformity:  





    KS C 9832: 2023  

    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements  

    KS C 9835: 2019  

    Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment; Immunity requirements 


    Statement of Conformity: 

    Class B Warning Statement: 
    Translation: This equipment is for home use, and has acquired electromagnetic conformity registration, so it can be used not only in residential areas, but also other areas. 

























    Product Certifications 
    Marks of Compliance  



    CE mark. Declaring compliance to the European Union (EU) What directives???? 

    United Kingdom Conformity Assessed marking. ?? 

    US/Canada Nemko Mark. ?? 

    Japan Giteki Conformity mark. ?? 

    Japan VCCI (Voluntary Control Council for Interference) mark. ?? 

    Korean Certification mark. ?? 

    Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) for Australia and New Zealand. ?? 

    FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Mark ?? 

    Taiwan National Communications Commision (NCC) mark. ?? 

    Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ??