Gain Access
To begin you will need to gain access to your account!
Then to access your account, select the Sign-In button from the top right of the windowEnter your Account Credentials, or create a new account: -
Account Already Exists?
If you attempt to sign in and receive a "account already exists" message proceed to select the "Get A Password" option or follow the steps to reset your password!
* This is due to the use of your email in previous support instances, which will auto-generate a helpdesk account for that email address.
Resetting Password
To reset your account password, select the "Forgot My Password" option as shown below:
Then enter your email to receive a email to reset your password:
Navigating The Foresigh Sports Helpdesk
The Foresight Sports Helpdesk will offer you access to a variety of product support articles, resources, and access to the Technical Support Team.
In order to best use this tool we have provided some basic explanation on how to navigate the helpdesk.
Basic Navigation
Once you have gained access to the helpdesk you will be presented with the Main Menu.
The Foresight Sports Helpdesk Main Menu includes:
1. Tool Bar:
- Submit A Request: Here you will be provided access to the Contact Support Webform to submit a request.
- Sign In/ User Account: Here you can create or login to an account. You will also be able to access your account details once signed in.
2. Search Bar:
- Search: Here you can enter keywords or ask a specific question and you will be provided with articles and resources to offer direction.
3. Category Search:
- Software: Here you can search software by category. You will be presented with Sub-Sections including all published articles.
- Hardware: Here you can search hardware by category. You will be presented with Sub-Sections including all published articles.
Submitting A Request
In order to access the Technical Service team you must first submit a Online Support Request:
1. To proceed with reporting an issue you must submit an Online Contact Support Request:
Online Contact Support Request
This online form allows you to provide basic contact information about yourself, the device or product you would like to request assistance with, and then add attachments.
* Recommended: it is best to add images or video of the issue occurring so that the Foresight Sports Technical Support team can best assist you.
2. You will receive a Email Confirmation once your Support Request is received. Please be sure to take note of this email, as it will include your Support Ticket Number, used to reference your specific request.
3. If you would like to add additional information after submitting your request be sure to respond within the Same Ticket Confirmation you just received. This can be either by accessing your Foresight Sports Helpdesk Ticket online, or through responding all to the confirmation email you received.
Should you need assistance requesting a return for repair please view the REPAIRS GUIDE
Locating Support Articles
The Helpdesk offers two methods to locate helpful guides and articles.
1. Search Bar: Will allow you to enter a question or issue and will search the keywords noted to provide recommended articles.
2. Search By Category: Will allow you to select a category and then select sub-categories. Each Section will contain a list of published resources pertaining to the topic.
Using The Search Bar
The Foresight Sports Helpdesk allows you to enter your inquire in a form of a question or a keyword. The Helpdesk will search based upon the information you input and provide relevant resources to assist you.
- Select The MOST RELEVANT Keywords -
- For Example:
- When searching for to use you FSX License again on a new computer - search the words FSX and Activation or License. This will product reference to find the FSX 2020 Deactivation Guide.
- When searching to understand how to resolve the registration message on on your GCQuad - search GCQuad Registration. This will product instructions to register your GCQuad device.
- For Example:
- You Can Also Input Your Search As A Question:
- For Example:
- "How do I move my FSX 2020 Software to a New Computer?" - This will product reference to find the FSX 2020 Deactivation Guide.
- "How do I Register my GCQuad Device?" - This will product instructions to register your GCQuad device.
- For Example:
- If you are not finding what you are looking for you have two options:
- Remove keywords to increase your search if you have too few options.
- Add keywords to narrow your search if you have too many options.
- If you still require assistance be sure to complete the Contact Support Submission Form online!
- Select The MOST RELEVANT Keywords -
Using Search By Category
The Foresight Sports Helpdesk allows you to Search the Resources by Category. This is formatted by Category and Product Type:
First you must understand the issue you are encountering in its basic form:
- Software Question/Issue
- Hardware Question/Issue
You will then be able to review the Sub-Categories by Product Type
For instance, under the Hardware Category, you will see a list of Product Types. Each Product type will have a list of all published resources for you to select and review:
If you still require assistance be sure to complete the Contact Support Submission Form online!
Your Helpdesk Account
Your HELP.FORESIGHTSPORTS.COM account will offer you a few drop down options:
- My Activities
- My Profile
- Change Password
- Sign Out
Account: My Activities
The My Activities section will open up a list of all communication you have had on the Helpdesk.
This can include:
- Requests
- Contributions
- Following
The My Requests section will allow you review, manage, and continue existing support inquiries.
This window will allow you have a quick overview of the ticket:
- Subject
- ID (Ticket#)
- Created Date/time
- Last Activity
- Status
- OPEN: Indicates that you have submitted a request or response and are now awaiting Foresight Sports engagement.
- AWAITING YOUR REPLY: Indicates that Foresight Sports has sent you a response and is now awaiting your reply.
- SOLVED: Indicates that the request has been solved and is not longer requiring action.
- CLOSED: Indicates that the status has remained solved and the request is now closed.
When you select a specific request you will have access to review all communication on the Support Ticket.
Ticket Title: Will be displayed at the top
Ticket Content: Will be displayed down the middle. The most recent response will appear at the bottom of the thread of communication.
Add To Conversation: Will appear at the very bottom of the communication thread:
RMA Status - Monitoring Progress: This will be used to inform you of items returned for repair and their progression. If no RMA is approved this section will remain empty.
- PLEASE NOTE: To understand more about this process please review the Repairs Guide.
General Information: includes the Creator of the request, the date it was created, and the last activity posted.
Ticket Assignment: Includes the Foresight Sports Agent assigned to assist you, the Ticket ID#, and the Ticket Status
Ticket Details: Any specific details related to your request will be displayed here. This will include you contact information, request type, Serial Number (if you provided it), and if a Sales Order was referenced to resolve your request.
This section allows you to review articles you have commented on. Some articles are enabled to allow comments, others are not as they are strictly to be informative, rather than communal.
This section is useful for when you have offered comment on an article and wish to see if anyone else in the community has offered additional comment or feedback.
This section will allow you to review any articles you have marked to follow. This can be selected under the Article Title, as shown below:
This section is useful if you would like to save articles to review at a later date or have on hand easily.
Account: My Profile
You can adjust your Name, Profile Image, and Contact Details here. You will also see some
- PLEASE NOTE: If you have linked your account and email address, these details are set by your linked email, rather then through the helpdesk.
Account: Change Password
You will be able to adjust your password from this window. Here you must first enter your current password to authenticate your account status. Then you will be able to enter a new password and save.
- To reset a forgotten password, select the Sign Out and select the Forgot Password Option when attempting to Sign In again.
Account: Sign Out
This option will not offer a prompt and will return you to the page.